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- ╔════════════════════════════════╤═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ [CHAR] go to CHARacter │ [Home],[End] Beginning, end of row ║
- ║ [Alt-A] Go to ALPHABET display │ [PgUp/Dn] Top/bottom of column ║
- ║ [Alt-B] Previous character │ [Ctrl-Left] Move character 1 col. left ║
- ║ [Alt-C] anti-Clockwise turn │ [Ctrl-Right] Move character 1 col. right ║
- ║ [Alt-D] Duplicate to buffer │ [Ctrl-PgUp] Move character 1 row up ║
- ║ [Alt-H] type Help text │ [Ctrl-PgDn] Move character 1 row down ║
- ║ [Alt-I] Invert pixels in char. │ [+] Insert row into character ║
- ║ [Alt-L] change Left width │ [-] Delete row from character ║
- ║ [Alt-M] Mark for paste buffer │ [Esc] Restore character ║
- ║ [Alt-N] Next character │ [Ins] Insert column into character ║
- ║ [Alt-P] Paste buffer contents │ [Del] a) in character display: ║
- ║ [Alt-R] change Right width │ Delete column ║
- ║ [Alt-S] delete every 2nd col. │ b) in ALPHABET display: ║
- ║ [Alt-T] change font Type │ Delete (undefine) char. ║
- ║ [Alt-X] eXtract every 2nd row │ <RETURN> a) in character display: ║
- ║ [Alt-1] Fold char. vertically │ alternate pixel at cursor ║
- ║ [Alt-2] Fold char. horizont. │ position ║
- ║ [F1] Decrease matrix width │ b) in ALPHABET display: ║
- ║ [F2] Increase matrix width │ go to character ║
- ║ [F6] Increase matrix width │ Ctrl-<RETURN> EXIT/SAVE ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════╧═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Font types:
- Symb. Description Matrix Char. Chars. per
- width width inch
- ╔═════════════════════════╤════════════╤═══════════════╤══════════════
- PR ║ PRoportional spacing │ │ │
- ║ w. printer initial. │ 37 │ │
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- XX ║ PRoportional spacing │ │ │
- ║ w./o. pr. initial. │ 37 │ │
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- EL ║ ELite printing │ 26 │ 30 │ (12 cpi)
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- CO ║ COndensed printing │ 20 │ 24 │ (15 cpi)
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- XC ║ eXtremely Condensed │ 16 │ 18 │ (20 cpi)
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- DR ║ DRAFT 12 │ 9 │ 12 │ (12 cpi)
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- PI ║ PIca printing │ 32 │ 36 │ (10 cpi)
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- DH ║ DRaft high speed │ 6 │ 8 │ (12 cpi)
- ────╫─────────────────────────┼────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────
- Editing draft quality fonts:
- 1) Switch to the new type (identified by a two-letter-combination) in the
- usual manner. If you are editing a draft font, read in on starting the
- program, the program will detect the font type automatically. Then proceed as
- usual.
- 2) Edit your font. You will notice that all letters appear much smaller along
- the x-axis than they come out on the printer.
- 3) Save your font.
- Using the alphabet display:
- 1) Pressing ALT-A you get into the alphabet display.
- 2) You can move around freely with the cursor keys, while a normal DOS cursor
- is displayed.
- 3) If you press RETURN on any character, this character is chosen to be edited
- next.
- 4) Pressing DEL, you can undefine any character (delete it from the character
- set).
- 5) Any errors bring you back to the character display with a warning beep.
- ESC brings you back without this beep.
- Changing the font type:
- 1) Press ALT-T (for type) and enter the new two-letter type specification. If
- it is a valid type identification name, the program compiles your present font
- into the new one. To do so, it must first compile your present character into
- the old format. If this cannot be done because of double pixels being
- present, you get the usual error message and the operation is aborted.
- 2) If it can be done, the character set is converted with all widths
- informations changed accordingly. If the character boxes of any of your
- characters are too large to fit the new format (on changing from a 10 cpi or
- proportional font to a 12 cpi font, for instance), they are truncated on the
- right side. Otherwise they are left intact.
- Saving your font:
- 1) Press CTRL-RETURN. You shall be asked to specify an output file.
- 2) Enter the output file (or <RETURN>, if you do not want to save your font.
- 3) The program then requests you to specify a character widths table file.
- Enter the name of this file or <RETURN>, if you do not need such a file.
- 4) If the output file cannot be opened, the program aborts the process and
- returns you to the editor. If the widths table file cannot be written to, it
- is left out.